Test Week Recap
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Test Week Recap

As another Test Week wraps up, it’s time to reflect on our performances, celebrate our PRs, and consider areas for improvement. Whether this was your third Test Week or your first, it’s a valuable opportunity to track your progress and set goals for the coming months.

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Back to School: Embracing a Healthy Routine
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Back to School: Embracing a Healthy Routine

September is here and students are back to school!

New classes, back-to-school events, new town, new friends… It's an exciting time. However, sometimes the course load piles up and suddenly we’ve lost focus on our well-being.

Here’s our tips for a successful year where you feel your best and pass classes:

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I sit too much, and I think you do too. 
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

I sit too much, and I think you do too. 

A sedentary lifestyle negatively impacts metabolic health.

Although we may be getting our morning or evening workout in, a lot of us are participating in what I like to call - uninterrupted sitting. Uninterrupted sitting not only impacts our metabolic health but also puts us at an increased risk for anxiety and depression. So moving throughout the entire day is important... but how do we do it?

We have to value movement so we can prioritize it.

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Gear Up
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Gear Up

I had been lifting for a few years when I decided to ditch the boring gym routine and try CrossFit. I was excited to learn new things but immediately overwhelmed by all the gear and gadgets that the more experienced athletes had on.

Investing in equipment can help you enhance your training and prevent injuries, but it's important to prioritize purchases based on your current level and your future goals. You’re already investing in your health by showing up – you shouldn’t waste money on things you don’t need.

So, what might you need?

Let's review all of the options before we tell you what's necessary!

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Starting that first run…
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Starting that first run…

This one is for the people who say "I think I’ll cancel” whenever they see running intervals in our weekly programming. It can be intimidating and difficult to show up for activities that we do not enjoy or particularly excel at.

Finishing your first run feeling accomplished will start a positive feedback loop and help you go out for that second and third run. Set yourself up to be encouraged instead of discouraged.

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It’s Time to Use Your Fitness: The Importance of Sports
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

It’s Time to Use Your Fitness: The Importance of Sports

In the gym, you build the foundation, but in sports, you put that foundation to use. It’s where your hard work transforms into tangible results and where you experience the thrill of applying your fitness in a competitive setting.

So next time your friend invites you to a pick-up hockey game or suggests a bike ride, say yes! Imagine having a sports car—you wouldn’t just admire it from the garage; you’d take it out on the road and experience its capabilities. Do the same with the fitness you've built.

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Shoe Talk: The 101 on finding your perfect running shoe.
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Shoe Talk: The 101 on finding your perfect running shoe.

Choosing the right running shoe is a personal journey. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, as everyone experiences sensation differently. Your perfect shoe depends on your unique mechanics and preferences. Let's dive into the key factors to consider when selecting your ideal running footwear.

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CrossFit: Changing the Game
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

CrossFit: Changing the Game

Fast forward a few years, and I am coming off three years in a row where injuries had kept me out for long durations of the season, and I felt as though my sports career was coming to an end. Imagine that, 23 years old and thinking – I’m too old for this shit. 

It was that year that I was introduced to CrossFit.

That following ball season, I led the league in doubles and hit 4 home runs, more than I had in the last 6 years combined. Most importantly – no injuries. Now into my second season after beginning CrossFit I have already surpassed my homerun total from last year and lead the league in stolen bases. And I now truly believe I am strong enough; I am fast enough.

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Reasons why your fitness progress might be stalled and what to do about it.
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Reasons why your fitness progress might be stalled and what to do about it.

We often emphasize the importance of consistency because it truly is key to our fitness improvement. If you’re experiencing a stall in your fitness progress, take an honest look at your attendance. Are you showing up to classes regularly? Coming every now and then can really hold us back in our progress.

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Summer is not the time to take a break from improving your fitness.
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Summer is not the time to take a break from improving your fitness.

You need to budget four hours a week for your fitness. Working out isn’t something to take a break from in the summer. Working out is training so you can accomplish that hike, play soccer and softball, and maybe even volunteer to be the first one up on the wakeboard this summer. Working out doesn’t take away from your life, it amplifies it. 

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Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

If someone wanted to quit smoking we wouldn’t tell them they could do it in 28 days. So why do we expect to incorporate multiple new lifestyle changes and stick with them in 28 days. What about 75 days, is that enough time to make changes?

Let’s talk about these challenges.

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Why your Teen needs CrossFit
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Why your Teen needs CrossFit

There was no talk of toning or shredding, just education and encouragement. We didn't talk about what we looked like. We talked about how to move and what weight we were lifting.

I loved it and in a short amount of time I also learned to love myself. My view of exercise completely changed.

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CrossFit Lingo
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

CrossFit Lingo

Hey Google… What is a CrossFit?

New to CrossFit? Finding yourself lost in the world of CrossFit lingo? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. CrossFit has a unique language that can sometimes feel like a new vocabulary. Let's break it down together and navigate through the world of EMOMs, AMRAPs, and WODs.

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“How CrossFit made me a happier, healthier, and better student.”
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

“How CrossFit made me a happier, healthier, and better student.”

Transitioning to university life is both thrilling and demanding. With fewer rules, less guidance, and greater freedom comes increased responsibility. So, how do we navigate this transition and thrive in our new environment? The answer lies in establishing a routine, taking care of our physical and mental health, and seeking support. CrossFit played a pivotal role in helping me achieve these goals during my university years. Without CrossFit I might not have made it through 8 years post-secondary and to where I am today.

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Unlocking Vitality Part 2
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Unlocking Vitality Part 2

This sense of belonging can have a profound impact on emotional wellbeing, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation that often accompany aging. The CrossFit community offers seniors a supportive environment where they can forge meaningful relationships and find encouragement.

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Unlocking Vitality: Part 1
Sydney Milson Sydney Milson

Unlocking Vitality: Part 1

Seniors who engage in CrossFit experience notable improvements in muscle mass and strength, which contribute to enhanced overall physical independence.

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