Summer is not the time to take a break from improving your fitness.

Summer is right around the corner and it’s time to include the gym in your summer planning.

We get it. Summer is busy, chaotic, and fun. It’s time to get outside with friends, spend some hot summer nights staying up way too late, and enjoy all the fun activities summer offers. 

But you need to budget four hours a week for your fitness. Working out isn’t something to take a break from in the summer. Working out is training so you can accomplish that hike, play soccer and softball, and maybe even volunteer to be the first one up on the wakeboard this summer. Working out doesn’t take away from your life, it amplifies it. 

Staying consistent at the gym in the summer takes some preparation and planning. Let’s break it down.

Lack of routine:
Summer often brings a change of pace and routine, which can influence our training habits. This doesn’t mean it’s time to hit pause on your fitness journey. Instead, embrace the change and stay committed to your active lifestyle. Have other plans on those warm summer evenings? Consider coming to a morning class and beating the heat! Attending a consistent 4 classes per week even if it looks different from your typical schedule is key to maintaining your fitness throughout the summer.

Lifestyle choices:
After many cold, dark months, we look forward to summertime. We ditch the parkas and mittens for shorts and sandals and get outside to enjoy all that summer brings. This means more connection with friends and family, more time in nature, and more outdoor activities. However, late nights leading to poor sleep, patio drinks, and a change in our diet may also be a part of summer. While we encourage you to fully embrace the season's joys, remember to be mindful of your sleep and nutrition. Booking a Saturday morning class is a great motivator for going to bed a little bit earlier and having one less glass of wine. We can also choose summer activities that are fun but also support our wellbeing. Our Fredericton favorites: healthy picnic at Mactaquac Beach, a morning bike tour to Fredericton’s coffee shops, a walk to the Farmers Market for local food, and an evening paddle board with Second Nature Outdoors.

We recognize that the busy summer months can be exhausting. A change in our regular routine and lifestyle habits may affect how we perform in the gym. We ask that you show up and participate in whatever capacity you can. Don’t expect to be able to Rx the workout after a hot day doing yard work or a late night with limited sleep. We appreciate you showing up, scaling the workout to your current abilities, and moving. Adjust your expectations and be proud of yourself for showing up!

Summer is a time for adventure, relaxation, and creating lasting memories. But it’s also an opportunity to prioritize your health and fitness goals. By committing to a consistent routine and making mindful lifestyle choices, you can embrace the joys of summer while continuing to improve your physical and mental well-being. Remember, fitness is not a temporary phase, it’s a lifelong journey.


Reasons why your fitness progress might be stalled and what to do about it.


Nothing changes if nothing changes.