CrossFit: Changing the Game

For athletes, it is crucial to stay in shape. It is fundamental to an athlete’s ability to perform, prevent injury, and sustain a successful career in sports. I am here to tell you how CrossFit for me, boosted my athletic performance through the sports I played.

I was a lucky kid. I played every sport I could and just through my athletic ability alone, excelled greatly in most of them. All while just showing up and playing. I didn’t think I needed to get stronger or faster; any injuries I had healed fast, and I was back out there in no time. This is how I approached my sports career for most of my life, and I got away with it… until I didn’t. 

I had my first wake-up call in 2016. I had just come off one of the best years I have ever had in baseball. That off-season I went about my regular routine - played hockey and participated in school sports and that was it. I’m strong enough, I’m fast enough. Why work out if I’m outperforming the kids that are working out? Well, that mentality went out the window the following year. I ended with one of the lowest batting averages on the team and felt that my arm strength wasn’t quite as good as the other kids.

Fast forward a few years, and I am coming off three years in a row where injuries had kept me out for long durations of the season, and I felt as though my sports career was coming to an end. Imagine that, 23 years old and thinking – I’m too old for this shit. 

It was that year that I was introduced to CrossFit. I started slow, but in just the first six months I saw myself slim down while getting stronger; my mobility significantly improved; and those little aches and pains I had seemed to disappear. I had energy again and returned to hockey after 3 years off. That following ball season, I led the league in doubles and hit 4 home runs, more than I had in the last 6 years combined. Most importantly – no injuries. Now into my second season after beginning CrossFit I have already surpassed my homerun total from last year and lead the league in stolen bases. And I now truly believe I am strong enough; I am fast enough.

All of this is to say working out is essential for athletes to get the most out of themselves in their respective sport(s). It doesn’t matter where you are in your sports career, from a young teen to an experienced adult trying to get a couple more good years in. CrossFit training can provide you with the tools and abilities necessary to bring your game to the next level.


Shoe Talk: The 101 on finding your perfect running shoe.


Class Warm Up: An important part of getting better at CrossFit.