York County CrossFit

Facility RUles

Our gym rules exist to ensure class remains an equitable and fair experience for all of our members. Your continued membership serves as an agreement to adhere to our Gym Rules.

Any issues with our Gym Rules should be forwarded to info@yorkcountytraining.com with the subject Gym Rules.

Be coachable

Our job is to find a way to help you move better, and your job is to be open to change. The best kind of athlete to work with, regardless of skill level, is an athlete who is coachable. Being coachable has little to do with physical ability. It might feel awkward for athletes to change their technique, but if they’re open to trying, they’ll invest in a little short-term discomfort for long-term success.

Athletes pay CrossFit coaches to help them move better. Why pay for a service and then ignore the instructions? If you want to move better and get fitter, then a coach’s instructions are very valuable. At York County Training we expect our members to be coachable and willing to take instruction.

Be on time

Be ready to start at the designated time. Ready to start means signed in, shoes on, and other paraphernalia (grips, rope, tape, etc) collected before the beginning of the whiteboard brief.

Coaches use the first minutes of class to brief the workout, review individual modifications, and optimally plan class layout. Your tardiness may distract others from hearing pertinent information and puts the coach at a disadvantage, which may negatively impact class experience.

If you are chronically late, you are putting yourself above the group, which is in direct violation of York County Training’s Values and may be cause for membership termination.

Program adherence

There is an expectation that you will follow the programming and coaching instruction provided by York County CrossFit. Open gym time can be used to complete class programming or YCT extra programming if you have already completed the class. YCT extra programming is a service available to you as part of your membership. Use it!

Cell phone use

Please keep cell phone use to a minimum if you are attending a class. If you need to take a call or answer that urgent email/text, just step away from the class and take care of business in the entryway. Cell phone use for SugarWOD is welcome for tracking reps or logging weights.

General hygiene

We expect you to uphold general personal hygiene and refrain from excessive use of scented oils, lotions, colognes, perfumes or other fragrances out of respect for other members and any fragrance or chemical sensitivities. York County Training is a scent free environment.

Proper attire

Wear clean clothes and foot-wear appropriate for class. No outdoor footwear is permitted in the gym beyond the entry way.

Personal belongings

York County Training will not be held responsible for the loss or theft of personal items left in the gym, in the bathroom or building, or in a car parked on our premises. Items left out on the gym floor due to forgetfulness will be placed in the lost and found bin. These items will be reviewed at the beginning of each month, and if they are not claimed will either be donated or thrown away.

Equipment use

It goes without saying that taking care of the equipment and putting what you use away correctly shows respect for everyone else. We are all striving to keep the equipment in good working order which ensures it will be ready to go when you are. Respect your coaches’ instructions when it comes to dropping barbells, dumbbells, etc. These rules are in place for not only the longevity of the equipment but also for member safety.