Test Week Recap

As another Test Week wraps up, it’s time to reflect on our performances, celebrate our PRs, and consider areas for improvement. Whether this was your third Test Week or your first, it’s a valuable opportunity to track your progress and set goals for the coming months.

For many, Test Week brought some exciting moments. Maybe you hit a new 3RM front squat, shaved some seconds off your Danger Zone time, or finally nailed the chest-to-bar pull-ups during the GPP Test. These victories, big or small, deserve celebration. They show your dedication and hard work over the past few months. Keep it up! 

However, some of you might be feeling disappointed with your Test Week results. Perhaps you didn’t see the improvements you were hoping for or even did worse in some tests compared to last time. It's important to remember that fitness is not always a linear journey. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, use this as a chance for reassessment and growth.

Look back at your training over the past few months. Have you been consistent? Aim to attend a minimum of 16 classes per month - only 4 classes per week. Get in our Consistency Club and you might even win yourself a month free!

Already showing up 4+ times a week? Consider external factors. How consistent are you with your nutrition and sleep? You can't out-train a poor diet. Make sure you’re fueling your body properly for workouts and recovery. Prioritizing sleep is important too! Develop a nighttime routine that works for you. Avoid looking at screens right before bed, and instead try stretching, drinking tea, or reading. Quality sleep makes a huge impact on our performance and recovery.

If you’re already crushing it with consistency in the gym, your nutrition, and your sleep, talk to one of our coaches about following a builders program to help improve your weaknesses!

Not happy with your 3RM front squat? Struggling to improve on your Olympic lifts? Catch a lift from the Weightlifting Builder.

Sucking wind during Danger Zone? Unable to hold pace on the 2K row? Do some extra work through the Conditioning Builder.

Test Your Pump and Washboard feeling sloppy? Still unable to get through the HSPU on the GPP Test? Check out the Gymnastics Builder.

Test Week is more than just numbers, it’s about understanding where you are at in your fitness journey and charting a course forward. We are proud of everyone who participated. Here’s to making every day count as we look forward to the next Test Week!


Back to School: Embracing a Healthy Routine