
What is CrossFit?

Constantly Varied

Every day at York County CrossFit will be different, but not random. Each workout will vary in movements, rep schemes, loads, and time domains.

CrossFit is designed for general physical preparedness which means we get better at handling whatever life demands from carrying heavy groceries to chasing after our grandkids to exceling in sports.

Our programming varies the workout stimulus, so you’re prepared for any and all physical tasks. Best of all, you’ll never get bored!

Functional Movement

Our programming is structured to make you move better and further in everyday life. A deadlift helps you pick something up off the floor. Squats help you stand out of a chair. Presses help you throw your kids up in the air. Farmer carries help you bring the groceries inside in one trip.

We train functional movements because they are what life demands. We want you to remain independent as you age and move through life with confidence.

At High Intensity

Intensity is relative to your current capabilities. We focus on moving well with consistency first. It can be intimidating to walk into a CrossFit gym or turn on the CrossFit games and see the intensity at which athletes are moving.

However, what is often forgotten is that they are working out at an intensity relative to their capabilities. The goal is to work hard within the limits of your own physical capacity.





















Endurance - Stamina - Strength - Flexibility - Power - Speed - Coordination - Agility - Balance - Accuracy -