Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Skip the 28-day challenge and 75 hard. 

Build habits that stick and achieve your goals faster.

If someone wanted to quit smoking we wouldn’t tell them they could do it in 28 days. So why do we expect to incorporate multiple new lifestyle changes and stick with them in 28 days? What about 75 days, is that enough time to make changes?

Let’s talk about these challenges.

Are challenges like these bad? Not exactly. Many people who partake in these challenges will improve their health behaviors and overall health.

Are these challenges the best way to reach my goals? Again, not exactly.

Most people enter into either one of these challenges with goals in mind; to lose weight, to gain muscle, to gain energy, etc. They participate because doing the challenge will certainly bring them closer to that goal. As the days of the challenge pass by they might find themselves waiting for the challenge to end. This means the habits and changes being made aren’t sustainable which leads to a yoyo state of restriction and indulgence. If the challenge is as it sounds “challenging” and it doesn’t guarantee results, why not just strategically go for that goal? 

Entering into these challenges is like getting into your car and driving for the sake of driving but hoping you maybe magically reach your destination. It’s time to pull out a map!

Here’s what to do instead: 

Step 1: Narrow in on what you want and why you want it. 
Having a clear “why” behind your goals is essential. When you understand the purpose behind your goals, it adds meaning to your actions. Goals that align with your values and beliefs

Step 2: Create a realistic plan that you can follow to reach your goal. 
It’s important to avoid setting ourselves up for failure by creating unrealistic goals and timelines. Our plans should be something we are 100% confident we can do. It’s okay to start small.

Step 2a: Not sure how to create this plan? Hire a professional. 

Step 3: Stick to the realistic achievable plan for the set amount of time to reach your goal. 

Step 3a: Struggling to stick to the plan? Make it easier. Don’t set yourself up for failure. 

Step 3b: Struggling to stick to the plan? Hire professional support!

Here are some examples:

You’re looking to incorporate exercise into your daily life.
Step 1 - I want to exercise regularly as I know how crucial it is for my health. I want to maintain my independence as I age and I know exercise will help with that.
Step 2 - Right now I am doing zero exercise. I will start with 20 minutes of brisk walking each day. I am 100% confident that I can do this 5x per week.
Step 3 - I have been consistent with my plan for 8 weeks. However, I want to gain strength and lean muscle mass. I am going to hire a PT 2x per week.

You’re looking to gain 10lbs of muscle.
Step 1 - I have noticed in the last 5 years I struggle more with tasks like yard work and I am not able to keep up with my younger friends while skiing and biking. I have also noticed the loss of muscle mass in my arms and legs. I want to gain muscle to continue enjoying my recreational activities!
Step 2 - I know how to track my calories and macronutrients to ensure I am getting adequate nutrition for muscle growth. However, I am unsure of what strength training looks like at my age. It’s been 20 years since I regularly strength trained. I am going to reach out to some local gyms to find someone that can help me.
Step 3 - After finding a strength trainer and consistently tracking my food over the last 6 months I have noticed significant changes in my muscle mass and strength. I am going to continue working with my trainer and I have enjoyed the accountability.

You want to lose 30lbs.
Step 1 - You recently graduated, started working, and with your sedentary lifestyle have gained over 50lbs. Not only does the weight gain have you feeling less like yourself but it's stopping you from participating in activities you used to love like hockey, running, and soccer. Your why for losing 30 lbs is to feel confident and capable of returning to the activities you once loved!
Step 2 - You have no idea where to start and you’re feeling overwhelmed. You reach out to a dietician who helps you create a plan that teaches you about eating and addresses mindset changes!
Step 3 - Through education and realistic changes provided by the dietician you successfully lose 10lbs in 2 months. Your plan feels easy and you feel accomplished. This feeling of accomplishment has helped you feel confident to return to the activities you once loved even if you haven’t reached your end goal yet.

Main takeaways:
28 days is simply not enough time. 75 hard requires too many changes and provides no room for failure. Both set us up to fall short of reaching our end goal. We waste so much effort chasing results without a plan. We are setting ourselves up to fail, over and over again. 

If you have a goal, follow a plan that will get you the results you’re looking for. Skip the challenges and make changes that last.


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