I sit too much, and I think you do too. 

The why and how for increasing our activity levels. 

This morning I finished coaching at 9 am. The sky was clear and the air was fresh. Perfect weather to get outside for a walk. Unfortunately, my to-do list was long and I figured I should tackle it before stepping outside.

The day goes by as I sit at my desk, getting $h!t done. Before I know it the clock shows 3:30 pm and it's time for me to attend the 4 pm class at York County CrossFit. It's a fun workout but I'm feeling sluggish from sitting all day. After the workout, I come home, shower, and eat.

Following supper I finally make it outside for a walk with my husband. It's a beautiful evening and the fresh air mostly clears my mind. One thought I can't get out of my head is why it took me all day to step outside and move. What was so important that I couldn't take a 20-minute walk break once or twice today?

My husband and I walk for 30 minutes catching up on each other's day and agreeing that we need to get outside more. But how do we do that? And does it really matter?

Why moving is important:

A sedentary lifestyle negatively impacts metabolic health. 

When comparing healthy active individuals with healthy sedentary individuals, research shows no difference in clinical symptoms but a significant deregulation in glucose metabolism in the sedentary individuals. Translation: Although we don't immediately see or experience the negative effects a sedentary lifestyle has on our metabolic health, changes are happening that put us at risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Although we may be getting our morning or evening workout in, a lot of us are participating in what I like to call - uninterrupted sitting. Uninterrupted sitting not only impacts our metabolic health but also puts us at an increased risk for anxiety and depression. So moving throughout the entire day is important... but how do we do it?

How do we move more:

We have to value it so we can prioritize it. The reason I didn't move today is because I prioritized my to-do list. If I want to move more I'm going to have to prioritize it. Reflecting on my day I know I spent at least 20-minutes here and there scrolling social media. A habit that not only wastes time but also negatively impacts my overall well-being. If I'm going to move more throughout my day I've got to plan the times when I will move.

Here are some examples:

After I complete ______ task, I will go for a 20-minute walk before moving on to my next task. Make sure _______ task is something that can be done in a reasonable amount of time.

At ______ time, I am going to go for a 30-minute walk no matter what I am doing. I'll even set an alarm so time doesn't pass by without me noticing.

I am running errands all day but I will park the furthest away from the entrance to get extra steps in. 

Introducing our September Challenge:

Changing our habits isn't easy. We want to help you get moving more by doing this as a community. We all need to move more, so let's do it together. Our goal is to help you start moving, help you realize how good it feels to move, and then watch you keep moving on your own!

Step 1. Set a reasonable goal. Take an honest look at how much time you can dedicate to moving per day. While we want you to move more than you are now, we don't want you to set yourself up for failure.

Step 2. Hit that goal 5 days per week. While we'd love for you to hit your movement goal every day we know that life happens. Aim to hit your movement goal 5 days per week!

Step 3. Fill out your distance/time on our September challenge sheet. Print it off and put it on your fridge. Make your goal known!

Step 4. Feel better and (possibly) win prizes!!


Back to School: Embracing a Healthy Routine


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