CrossFit Lingo

Hey Google… What is a CrossFit?

New to CrossFit? Finding yourself lost in the world of CrossFit lingo? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. CrossFit has a unique language that can sometimes feel like a new vocabulary. Let's break it down together and navigate through the world of EMOMs, AMRAPs, and WODs.

Workout Descriptors:

WOD (Workout Of the Day): This term is commonly used to describe the exercise routine prescribed for the day. Every day, there's a new WOD to challenge and improve different aspects of fitness.

SugarWOD: This is the app our gym to post the WOD. Here you can find our plan for the day and log your workouts. SugarWOD allows you to track your progress and interact with other members within the community.

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): EMOMs are workouts where you perform a specific exercise or set of exercises for a set duration. Strive to complete a certain number of reps in a minute, then rest and start a new movement the next minute.

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible): In this workout, you have a set amount of time, and you try to complete as many rounds of the workout as possible in that time frame.

RFT (Rounds For Time): You have a specific number of rounds to complete a set of exercises as quickly as possible. The goal is to finish the rounds in the shortest amount of time.

AHAP (As Heavy As Possible): This means choosing a weight that is challenging for you, pushing yourself to lift as heavy as you can while maintaining good form.

ME (Maximum Effort): This refers to giving your all and putting forth your highest level of effort in a particular exercise or workout. It's about pushing your limits and giving everything you have.

1RM (1 Rep Max): The maximum amount of weight you can lift for a single repetition in a given exercise. For example, if you lift 150 pounds for one rep, that would be your 1 rep max for that lift.

UB (Unbroken): Refers to completing a set of exercises without pausing or breaking form.


TTB (Toes to Bar): A gymnastics skill where you hang from the bar and touch your toes to the bar. This exercise requires core and grip strength!

DU (Double Under): A key to CrossFit, involving a jump rope where the rope passes beneath your feet twice with each jump.

SU (Single Under): Single Unders are a scale to Double Unders, where the rope passes beneath your feet once.

OHS (Overhead Squat): A squat variation where you hold the barbell or weighted object overhead while performing the squatting movement.

C&J (Clean and Jerk): A dynamic weightlifting movement consisting of the clean and the jerk. It requires explosiveness and technique.

TnG (Touch and Go): Refers to a technique where you touch the ground with the weight or equipment and then immediately lift it again without pausing or resetting. Commonly used in movements like deadlifts or power cleans.

KB (Kettlebell): A type of weight used for various exercises and movements, resembling a cannon with a handle. Mostly commonly used for the KBS - Kettlebell Swing.

OH (Overhead): Exercises that involve lifting weights or objects above your head, including movements like overhead presses, squats, or snatches.

HSPU (Handstand Push-up): A challenging upper body exercise where you start in a handstand, lower yourself down until your head touches the floor, then push back up.

C2B (Chest to Bar): A pull-up where you aim to pull your chest up to touch the bar instead of reaching your chin over the bar.

BMU (Bar Muscle Up): A combination of a pull-up with a transition to a dip on top of the bar. It requires explosive movements and technique.

BW (Body Weight): Body weight exercises like pushups, squats, burpees, and handstand push-ups.

CrossFit Terms

GPP (General Physical Preparedness): Refers to overall fitness and the ability to perform a wide range of physical activities. GPP training focuses on developing strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination.

RX (As Prescribed): Completing the exercise exactly as written, without modification or scaling. This includes using recommended weights, movements, and rep schemes.

Scaled: Refers to modified versions of the prescribed workout, made to accommodate different fitness levels, abilities, or work around injuries or limitations.

PR (Personal Record): Achieving a personal best or setting a new personal milestone in a specific exercise or workout. It’s an exciting accomplishment that shows improvement and progress in your fitness journey.

Hook grip: A weightlifting technique where you grip the barbell with your thumb wrapped around the bar and your fingers wrapped over the thumb. This grip helps secure the bar and prevent it from slipping during heavy lifts.

The CrossFit Open: An annual event in the CrossFit community, marking the first stage of the CrossFit Games season. It’s a worldwide competition where athletes of all skill levels can participate in a series of workouts over several weeks.


How a coach saved my life with tough love:


“How CrossFit made me a happier, healthier, and better student.”