Class Warm Up: An important part of getting better at CrossFit.

Picture this: it’s 4:30am when your alarm goes off. You crawl out of bed, get ready, and drive to the gym for the 5am class. The coach goes over the workout and then says “Time to warm up!” you’re thinking about how you’ve just barely woken up, so you’ll take it easy in the warm-up. Or maybe after a long day at work or school, you’re so tired that you think “I can’t do warm-up, I need to save my energy for the workout!”

Here’s the thing. The warm-up is not your coach's idea of torture before a hard workout. It’s actually your secret weapon against looking like a baby giraffe trying to deadlift for the first time. 

Don't discredit the value of working hard in the warm-up. Let's review why you need to warm up and the different warm-ups we do in class. Hopefully, after reading this you'll find yourself looking forward to jumping jacks, squat therapy, and good mornings the next time you’re in class!

Improve performance

The importance of warm-up is in the name, we perform better when our body temperature is elevated. With increased core temperature we also get a gradual increase in heart rate and blood circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the muscle groups that need it. When you go into a workout cold your muscles don’t get that, and what you’re asking of it comes as a shock. Warm-up will also provide enhanced nerve conduction velocity. It increases the speed at which nerve signals from the brain reach the target muscles, improving your reaction time and overall performance. 

It’s important for identifying any issues present that would hold us back during the workout. You may need a little extra movement if you’re feeling tight. Holding static positions helps us get warm and allows more time for your coach to spot issues in your form. Having this corrected in the warm-up will lead to a better workout performance and faster progress in your fitness!

Prevent injuries

Warming up with mobility drills and dynamic stretching is key for increased range of motion and flexibility. Not only will this improve your performance and help you achieve optimal positions during lifts, but it also reduces the risk of injury. Increased blood flow to the muscles increases their elasticity and decreases the risk of muscle strains.

During warm-up, we are introducing the demands of the workout to not only our muscles but also our mind. Whether it is a long workout that requires pacing, a short sprint, or a heavy lift, we need to be focused going into it otherwise we could be putting ourselves at an increased risk of injury due to lack of focus. The warm-up allows you to mentally transition into that workout mode and shake off any distractions.

General Warm-Up vs Specific Warm-Up

Each class includes two different types of warm-ups. We start with the general warm-up, which aims to increase body temperature and blood flow, improve range of motion, and wake up our muscles. Movements in the general warm-up typically do not require much skill or include weight that would put any real load on the body. It’s purpose is to get warm, shake out any stiffness, and allow you to get in the right headspace for a CrossFit workout. The general warm-up also gives your coach a chance to see what your capacity might be for the day and where the focus needs to be when correcting your movement.

The specific warm-up follows the general warm-up. It plays a crucial role in tailoring preparation for the day’s workout and ensuring athletes are primed for the movements ahead. For lifts, this is the time to practice the movement pattern with a lightweight or a PVC pipe and hone in on technique before adding load. For gymnastics movements, we guide you through a series of progressions that warm up the movement but also allow you to test the threshold of your capacity and develop new skills.   

So the next time you feel like skipping warm-up or giving it less than your full effort, remember that it is not just the prelude to the “real” workout - it is an integral part of your CrossFit class. Show up ready to do your best for every part of that hour class. Use the warm-up as an opportunity to set the tone for a great workout, prevent injuries, and maximize your performance. Progress is waiting for you in the warm-up!


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